Publications and Talks


Wagner, N.; Schwanecke, U.; Botsch, M.;
SparseSoftDECA: Efficient High-Resolution Physics-Based Facial Animation from Sparse Landmarks ; Computers & Graphics, Volume 119, April 2024 (PDF) (doi)
Wenninger, S.; Kemper, F.; Schwanecke, U.; Botsch, M.;
TailorMe: Self-Supervised Learning of an Anatomically Constrained Volumetric Human Shape Model; Computer Graphics Forum 43(2), (Proc. Eurographics), 2024, to appear (PDF) (Video)


Wagner, N.; Schwanecke, U.; Botsch, M.;
SoftDECA: Computationally Efficient Physics-Based Facial Animations; ACRM Motion, Interaction and Games, 2023 [Honorable Mention ] (PDF) (Suplementary Material) (Video)
Birklein, L.; Schömer, E.; Schwanecke, U.; Brylka, R.; Schulze, R.;
Neural Deformable Cone Beam CT; Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, VCBM 2023, [Best Paper] (PDF)
Schramm, R.; Sasalovici, M.; Hildebrand, A.; Schwanecke, U.;
Assessing Augmented Reality Selection Techniques for Passengers in Moving Vehicles: A Real-World User Study; Automotive UI 2023, pp 22-31 (PDF)
Sommer, A.; Schwanecke, U.; Schömer, E.;
Real-time Light Estimation and Neural Soft Shadows for AR Indoor Scenarios; WSCG 2023, pp 71-79 (PDF)
Bytyqi, Q.; Wolpert, N.; Schömer, E.; Schwanecke, U.;
Prototype Softmax Cross Entropy: A new Perspective on Softmax Cross Entropy; Image Analysis: 22nd Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2023, pp. 16-31 [Best Paper] (PDF)
Birklein, L.; Niebler, S.; Schömer, E.; Brylka, R.; Schwanecke, U.; Schulze, R.;
Motion Correction for Separate Mandibular and Cranial Movements in Cone Beam CT Reconstructions; Medical Physics, 2023; pp. 1-15 (DOI, PDF)


Villmow, J.; Campos, V.; Ulges, A.; Schwanecke, U.;
Addressing Leakage in Self-Supervised Contextualized Code Retrieval; COLING'22, 2022 (PDF)
Sommer, A.; Schwanecke, U.; Schömer, E.;
Interactive High-Resolution Simulation of Granular Material; WSCG 2022, pp. 9-15 (PDF)
Wagner, N.; Schwanecke, U.;
NeuralQAAD: An Efficient Differentiable Framework for Compressing High Resolution Consistent Point Cloud Datasets; VISIGRAPP (4: VISAPP) 2022, pp. 811-822 (PDF)


Lieser, M.; Schwanecke, U.; Berdux, J.;
Evaluating Distances in Tactile Human-Drone Interaction; 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN, 2021 (PDF)
Brylka, R.; Schwanecke, U.; Bierwirth, B.;
AI-based recognition of dangerous goods labels and metric package features; HICL, 2021 (PDF)
Abid, N.; Shahazad, M.; Schwanecke, U.: Ulges, A.;Kova, G.; Shafait, F.;
UCL: Unsupervised Curriculum Learning for Water Body Classification from Remote Sensing Imagery; International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2021 (PDF)
Villmow, J.; Ulges, A.; Schwanecke, U.:
A Structural Transformer with Relative Positions in Trees for Code-to-Sequence Tasks; International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2021 (PDF)
Sommer, A.; Schwanecke, U.:
LEAVEN - Leightweight Surface and Volume Mesh Sampling Application for Particle—based Simulation; 29. International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, WSCG 2021, pp. 155-160 (PDF)
This Project was supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.
Lieser, M.; Schwanecke, U.: Berdux, J.:
Tactile Human-Quadrotor Interaction: MetroDrone; TEI 2021, the 15th ACM International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (PDF)


Bierwirth, B.; Brylka, R.; Schwanecke, U.:
Business Process Transformation in Air Cargo Logistics; in Global Challenges of Digital Transformation of Markets, 2020
Lieser, M.; Schwanecke, U.; Berdux, J.:
EAVE: Emotional Aerial Vehicle Evaluator; Workshop on Smart Systems for Better Living Environments (SENSYBLE20)
Brylka, R.; Schwanecke, U.; Bierwirth, B.:
Camera based Barcode Localization and Decoding in Real-World Applications; 2020 International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS), Barcelona, Spain, 2020, pp 1-8
Sommer, A.; Schwanecke, U.; Schömer, E.:
Chebyshev's Method on Projective Fluids; 28. International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2020, 132-136, Journal of WSCG, Vol. 28, No.1-2, 2020 (PDF)
Wörl, A-C.; Schömer, E.; Schwanecke, U.:
Variable-Radius Offset Surface Approximation on the GPU; 28. International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2020, 99-108, Journal of WSCG, Vol. 28, No.1-2, 2020 (PDF)


Stahl, F.; Meyer, M.; Schwanecke, U.:
IST - Style Transfer with Instance Segmentation; 11th Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal Processing, 277-281, ISPA, 2019 (PDF)
Niebler, S.; Schömer, E.; Tjaden, H.; Schwanecke, U.; Schulze, R.:
Projection-based improvement of 3D reconstructions from motion-impaired dental Cone-beam CT data; Medical Physics, Oct; 46(10): 4470-4480, 2019 (Epub)
Bierwirth, B.; Schwanecke, U.; Gietzen, T.; Brylka, B.; Andrés Lopez, D.:
SmartAirCargoTrailer - Autonomous Short Distance Transports in Air Cargo; Hamburg International Conference of Logistics, 150-185, 2019 (link2pub)
Salam, A., Siddiqui S. A., Shafait, F. , H.; Mian, A.; Shortis, M. R.; Khurshid, K.;Ulges, A.; Schwanecke, U.:
Automatic Fish Detection in Underwater Videos by a Deep Neural Network Based Hybrid Motion Learning System; ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2, 2019, 1-13. (doi)
Shah, H.; Villmow, J.; Ulges, A.; Schwanecke, U.; Shafait, F.:
An Open-World Extension to Knowledge Graph Completion Models; AAAI 2019, 3044-3051. (SemanticScholar)
Gietzen, T.; Brylka, R.; Aschenbach, J.; zum Hebel, K.; Schömer, E.; Botsch, M.; Schwanecke, U, Schulze, R.:
A method for automatic forensic facial reconstruction based on dense statistics of soft tissue thickness; PLOSONE, 2019, 1-19, Preprint on arXiv:1808.07334, 23.01.2019


Macho, P.; Kurz, N.; Ulges, A.; Brylka, R.; Gietzen, T.; Schwanecke, U.:
Segmenting Teeth from Volumetric CT Data with a Hierarchical CNN-based Approach; Computer Graphics & Visual Computing, 2018, 109-113 (PDF)
Aschenbach, J.; Brylka, R.; Gietzen, T.; zum Hebel, K.; Schömer, E.; Schulze, R.; Botsch, M.; Schwanecke, U.:
A Multilinear Model for Bidirectional Craniofacial Reconstruction; Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, Eurographics Association, 2018, 67-76 (PDF, Data)
Tjaden, H.; Schwanecke, U.; Schömer, E.; Cremers, D.:
A Region-based Gauss-Newton Approach to Real-Time Monocular Multiple Object Tracking;
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 41(8), 1797-1812, 2019 (Preprint, ArXiv, source code and dataset, Video)
Schulze, R.; Gietzen, T.; Brylka, R.; zum Hebel, K.; Schoemer, E.; Schwanecke, U.:
Statistical bone model from CT-data: basis for modelling defect implants; Poster at the 3rd International Conference on 3D Printing in Medicine, Mainz; 2018 (PDF).
Poth, C.; Foerster, R.; Behler, C.; Schwanecke, U.; Schneider, W.; Botsch, M.:
Presenting visual stimuli in ultra-high temporal resolution with gaming monitors; In: Schütz AC, Schubö A, Endres D, Lachnit H, eds. Abstracts of the 60th Conference of Experimental Psychologists. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers; 2018.
Poth, C.; Foerster, R.; Behler, C.; Schwanecke, U.; Schneider, W.; Botsch, M.:
Ultra-high temporal resolution of visual presentation using gaming monitors and G-Sync; Behavior Research Methods 50(1), 2018, 26-38 (PDF, link to springer)


Tjaden, H.; Schwanecke, U.; Schömer, E.:
Real-Time Monocular Pose Estimation of 3D Objects using Temporally Consistent Local Color Histograms; ICCV, 2017, 124-132 (Paper, PDF (preprint), Video)
Lieser, M.; Tjaden, H.; Brylka, R.; Löffler, R.; Schwanecke, U.:
A Low-Cost Mobile Infrastructure for Compact Aerial Robots Under Supervision; ECMR 2017 - The European Conference on Mobile Robotics, Sept 2017 (PDF (preprint))
Gietzen, T.; Brylka, R.; Schwanecke, U.; Schömer, E.:
A Dense Statistical Model of Facial Soft Tissue Thickness; SENSYBLE 2017 Workshop @ INFORMATIK 2017, 891-898 (PDF)
Andrés Lopez, D.; Diensberg, B.; Schömer, E.; Schwanecke, U.:
VCIT - Visual Corrected Inertial Tracking; SENSYBLE 2017 Workshop @ INFORMATIK 2017, 899-906 (PDF)
Junkert, F.; Eberts, M.; Ulges, A.; Schwanecke, U.:
Cross-modal Image-Graphics Retrieval by Neural Transfer Learning; Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Multimodal Retrieval, ICMR '17, 330-337 (PDF)
Schwanecke, U.:
Stand der Technik bei Mensch-Maschine-Interfaces; talk at LEARNTEC 2017 (PDF)


Tjaden, H.; Schwanecke, U., Schömer, E.:
Real-Time Monocular Segmentation and Pose Tracking of Multiple Objects; ECCV (4), 2016, 423-438 (Paper, PDF (preprint), Squirrel, Video 1, Video 2)
Schwanecke, U.; Gutheil, A.:
MIMIC - Multi-user Interaction with MultICopters; CeBIT, 2016 (PDF (short), PDF (long german), PDF (long english), Bericht von SAT.1)
Schwanecke, U.; Andrés López, D; Weißer, B.:
FLYPER - the FLYing PERiscope; CeBIT, 2016 (PDF (short), PDF (long german), PDF (long english), Bericht von SAT.1)


Eberts, M.; Ulges, A.; Schwanecke, U.:
AMIGO – Automatic Indexing of Lecture Footage; 6th International Workshop on Camera Based Document Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR 2015), 2015, 1206-1210 (PDF)
Schwanecke, U.; Rathemacher, C.:
VEDUS - Virtuelle editierbare 3D-Stadtmodelle; Hessen-IT News, 2015 (PDF, Hessen-IT News 1/2015)
Schwanecke, U.; Lieser, M.; Tjaden, H.; Brylka, R.:
Icarus - Infrastructure for compact aerial robots under supervision; CeBIT, 2015 (PDF)
Tjaden, H.; Schwanecke, U.; Stein, F. A.; Schömer; E:
High-Speed and Robust Monocular Tracking; Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP), 2015, 462-471 (PDF)
Schulze, R.; Michel, M. G.; Schwanecke, U.:
Automated detection of patient movement during a CBCT scan based on the projection data; Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, 2015, 468-472 [Best Paper] (DOI)


Otte, S.; Schwanecke, U.; Zell, A.:
ANTSAC: A Generic RANSAC Variant using Principles of Ant Colony Algorithms; 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2014, 3558-3563 (PDF)
Backes, A.; Glockner, C.; Schwanecke, U.:
Automatische Erzeugung von FEM-Mittelflächen aus CAD-Daten; ATZ, 2-2014. (PDF (english), PDF (german))


Lehmann, S.; Dörner, R.; Schwanecke, U.; Haubner, N.; Luderschmidt, J.:
UTIL: Complex, Post-WIMP Human Computer Interaction with Complex Event Processing Methods; In 10. Workshop "Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität" der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR (Aachen, 2013), M. E. Latoschik and O. Staadt, Eds., Shaker Verlag, 109-120. (PDF)
Höfler, S.; Müller, A.; Luderschmidt, J.; Haubner, N.; Dörner, R.; Schwanecke, U.:
Combining Tangible and Above the Surface Interaction; In 10. Workshop "Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität" der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR (Aachen, 2013), M. E. Latoschik and O. Staadt, Eds., Shaker Verlag, 27-36. (PDF)
Haubner, N.; Schwanecke, U.; Dörner, R.; Lehmann, S.; Luderschmidt, J.:
Detecting interaction above digital tabletops using a single depth camera; Machine Vision and Applications, 2013, 1-13. (doi, PDF)
Glockner, C.; Wenzel, M.; Schwanecke, U.; Heil, U.; Campos, F.;
Vom Kühlergrill zum Fußgängerschutz - Vereinfachung komplexer Bauteile; Hannover Messe 2013. (PDF)
Heil, U.; Fränkel, S.; Wunder, K.; Groß, D.; Schulze, R.; Schwanecke, U.; Düber, C.; Schömer, E.; Weinheimer, O.:
TV-Regularization in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: Regularization Parameters & Small Structures Segmentation; Fully 3D, 2013, 485-488. (PDF, Poster)
Fränkel, S.; Wunder, K.; Heil, U.; Groß, D.; Schulze, R.; Schwanecke, U.; Düber, C.; Schömer, E.; Weinheimer, O.:
Total variation regularization in digital breast tomosynthesis; In "Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin", 2013, 356-361. (doi)


Huppmann, D.; Luderschmidt, J.; Haubner, N.; Lehmann, S.; Dörner, R.; Schwanecke, U.:
Exploring and Evaluating the Combined Multi-Touch and In-the-Air Tabletop Interaction Space; In 9. Workshop "Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität" der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR (Aachen, 2012), C. Geiger, J. Herder, and T. Vierjahn, Eds., Shaker Verlag, 37-48. (PDF)
Groß;, D.; Heil, U.; Schulze, R.; Schömer, E.; Schwanecke, U.:
Auto Calibration of a Cone-Beam-CT; Medical Physics, 39(10), 2012, 5959-5970. (doi)
Drainischnikow, E.; Schömer, E.; Schulze, R.; Schwanecke, U.; Brüllmann, DD.:
Towards Fully Automated Dental Based Forensic Identification; Poster at XIIIth European Congress Of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology,13th-16th June 2012, Leipzig. (PDF)
Brüllmann, DD.; Juerchott, L. M.; John, C.; Templer, C.; Schwanecke, U.; Schulze, R. K.:
A contact-free volumetric measurement of facial volume after third molar osteotomy: Proof of concept; Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, August, 2012. (pubmed)
Brüllmann, DD.; Tjaden, H.; Schwanecke, U.; Barth, P.:
An optimized video system for Augmented Reality in Endodontics: A feasibility study; Clinical Oral Investigation (31 March 2012), 1-8. (pubmed)
Lehmann, S.; Schäfer, J.; Dörner, R.; Schwanecke, U.:
Towards Integration of User Interaction and Context Event Processing in Intelligent Living Environments; ASPRIT Workshop at the GI-/VDE-ARCS2012 Conference on Architectures of Computing Systems, 2012, 111-122. (PDF)
Haubner, N.; Schwanecke, U.; Dörner, R.; Lehmann, S.; Luderschmidt, J.:
Towards a top-view detection of body parts in an interactive tabletop environment; ASPRIT Workshop at the GI-/VDE-ARCS2012 Conference on Architectures of Computing Systems, 2012, 135-146. (PDF)
Schmitt, S.; Luderschmidt, J.; Haubner, N.; Lehmann, S.; Dörner, R.; Schwanecke, U.:
Goal-Snapping: An Empirical Evaluation of Object Snapping in Tangible and Multi-Touch Interfaces; ASPRIT Workshop at the GI-/VDE-ARCS2012 Conference on Architectures of Computing Systems, 2012, 87-98. (PDF)
Brusius, F.; Schwanecke, U.; Barth, P.:
Blind Image Deconvolution of Linear Motion Blur; in: G. Csurka et al. (Eds.): VISIGRAPP 2011, CCIS 274, Springer, Heidelberg (2012), 105-119. (PDF)


Otte, S.; Schwanecke, U.; Barth, P.:
Mobile 3D Vision - 3D Scene Reconstruction with a Trifocal View on a Mobile Device; Kongressband zum 6. Kongress Multimediatechnik, Wismar, 2011. (PDF)
Schmidt, A.; Schwanecke, U.; Volmering, F.; Kamradt, M.:
A $1.5 Gesture Recognizer as Input Device for a Multi-Plattform Virtual Game Controller; Kongressband zum 6. Kongress Multimediatechnik, Wismar, 2011. (PDF)
Heil, U.; Groß;, D.; Schulze, R.; Schwanecke, U.; Schömer, E.:
Metal Artefact Reduction in X-Ray Computed Tomography: Inpainting Versus Missing Value; in: Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2675-2677. (Poster, PDF)
Brusius, F.; Schwanecke, U.; Barth, P.:
Efficient Motion Deblurring for Information Recognition on Mobile Devices; IMAGAPP 2011, International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications, 7-18. (PDF)
Haubner, N.; Schwanecke, U.; Dörner, R.; Lehmann, S.; Luderschmidt, J.:
Recognition of Dynamic Hand Gestures with Time-of-Flight Cameras; In: R. Dörner, D. Krömker (Hrsg.) Sensysble Workshop 2010, ITG/GI Workshop on Self-Integrating Systems for Better Living Environments, Shaker Verlag, 2011, 33-39. (PDF)
Lehmann, S.; Dörner, R.; Schwanecke, U.; Luderschmidt, J.; Haubner, N.:
An Architecture for Interaction Event Processing in Tabletop Systems; In: R. Dörner, D. Krömker (Hrsg.) Sensysble Workshop 2010, ITG/GI Workshop on Self-Integrating Systems for Better Living Environments, Shaker Verlag, 2011, 125-129. (PDF)
Luderschmidt, J.; Bauer, I.; Haubern, H.; Lehmann, S.; Dörner, R.; Schwanecke, U.:
TUIO AS3: A Multi-Touch and Tangible User Interface Rapid Prototyping Toolkit for Tabletop Interaction; In: R. Dörner, D. Krömker (Hrsg.) Sensysble Workshop 2010, ITG/GI Workshop on Self-Integrating Systems for Better Living Environments, Shaker Verlag, 2011, 85-92. (PDF)
Schulze, R.; Heil, U.; Gross, D.; Brüllmann, D.; Dranischnikow, E.; Schömer, E.; Schwanecke, U.:
Artefacts in CBCT: A Review; Dentomaxillofac. Radiol. 2011 40, pp. 265-273. (PDF) The original publication is available at
John, C.; Schwanecke, U.; Brüllmann, D.:
Contact-free volumetric measurement and documentation of facial turgors during the healing period after dental surgery; Computer Science - Research and Development (26), Issue 1, Springer 2011, pp. 135-142. (PDF) The original publication is available at


Brüllmann, D.; Seelge, M.; Schömer, E.; Schulze, R.; Schwanecke, U .:
Alignment of cone beam computed tomography data using intra-oral fiducial markers; Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Elsevier 2010. (ScienceDirect)
John, C.; Regenbrecht, H.; Schwanecke, U .:
Volumetric Hand Reconstruction for Non-verbal Communication in Shared Virtual Environments; Eurographics 2010, 3-7 May 2010, Norrköping, Sweden, 37-40. (PDF, Video)
John, C.; Schwanecke, U .;
Ein System zur berührungslosen, volumetrischen Vermessung von Gesichtsschwellungen; Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin (BVM 2010), Springer 2010, 112-116. (PDF)
Lehmann, S.; Schwanecke, U .; Dörner, R.;
Interactive Visualization for Opportunistic Exploration of Large Document Collections; Information Systems 35 (2), 2010, 260-269. (PDF)


Dranischnikow, E.; Schömer, E.; Schwanecke, U .; Schulze, R.; Brüllmann, D.;
A Parallel Approach for Alignment of Multimodal Grid-Based Data; Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference, Applied Computing 2009, 330-337. (PDF)
Gross, D.; Heil, U.; Schulze, R.; Schömer, E.; Schwanecke, U.;
GPU-based Volume Reconstruction from Very Few Arbitrarily Aligned X-Ray Images; SIAM J. Sci. Comput. Volume 31, Issue 6, 2009, 4204-4221. (PDF)
John, C.; Schwanecke, U.; Regenbrecht, H.;
Real-time Volumetric Reconstruction and Tracking of Hands in a Desktop Environment; Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns - CAIP 2009, Springer 2009, 1053-1060. (PDF) The original publication is available at
Seeliger, I.; Schwanecke, U.; Barth, P.;
An optical pen tracking system as alternative pointing device; Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction Conference - INTERACT 2009, Springer 2009, 386-399. (PDF) The original publication is available at
John, C.; Schwanecke, U.; Regenbrecht, H.;
MIT 3D - Mensch-Maschine Interface Technologie für virtuelle Umgebungen; CeBIT / Hannover Messe 2009. (PDF)
Lehmann, S.; Schwanecke, U.; Dörner, R;
Wivi - Interaktive Visualisierung zur opportunistischen Suche in der Wikipedia; CeBIT / Hannover Messe 2009. (PDF)
Schwanecke, U.; Schwertel, D.; Weitz, W.; Schulze, R.;
THMILE - 3D Medical Imaging Learning Environment; CeBIT / Hannover Messe 2009. (PDF)
Schwanecke, U.; John, C.; Brüllmann, D;
TurgorLab - Berührungslose Vermessung von postoperativen Schwellungen; CeBIT / Hannover Messe 2009. (PDF)
John, C.; Schwanecke, U.; Regenbrecht, H.;
Real-time Volumetric Reconstruction and Tracking of Hands and Face as a User Interface for Virtual Environments; Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2009 (VR 2009), 14-18 March 2009, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA, 241-242. ( doi, Poster)


Barth, P; Schwanecke, U.; Wild, F.;
Interactive high definition 3D face rendering on common mobile devices; Mensch und Computer 2008: Viel Mehr Interaktion. München: Oldenburg Verlag, 2008, 197-206. (PDF)
Schwanecke, U.;
Wie kann man in einen Menschen reinschauen, ohne ihn aufzumachen?; Kinder-Uni, Rüsselsheim, 2008.
Schwanecke, U.;
Benutzerinterfacesteuergerät für einen Computer; Patent DE102006036160A1, Erteilt am 26.08.2008
Schulze, R.; Heil, U.; Weinheimer, O.; Groß, D.; Brüllmann, D.; Thomas, E.; Schwanecke, U.; Schömer, E.;
Accurate registration of random radiographic projections based on three spherical references for the purpose of few-view 3D reconstruction; Med. Phys.Volume 35, Issue 2, 2008, 546-555. (PDF)


Schwanecke, U.; Brendebach, P.; Haubner, N.; Rathemacher, C.; Walkowski, F.; Wild, F.; Winter, K.;
P4 - A Scalable Real-time Ping Pong Point Protocolar; Kongressband zum 2. Kongress Multimedia-Technik, Verlagsreihe Multimedia, vwh-Verlag, Münster, 2007, 59-74. (PDF)
Schwanecke, U.; Zeitz, J.; Dörner, R;
Mixed Reality Based Interaction Techniques Using Smartphones in Bulletin Board Applications; Kongressband zum 2. Kongress Multimedia-Technik, Verlagsreihe Multimedia, vwh-Verlag, Münster, 2007, 1-14. (PDF)


Schwanecke, U.; Sinn, C.;
Visualization of workpieces during simulation of milling processes; United States Patent 20030083773, Publication Date: 05.01.2003, United Sates Patent 7149668, Publication Date: 12.12.2006.
Schwanecke, U.;
Vom 2D-Röntgenbild zum 3D-Objekt; Festvortrag zur 34. Hessischen Landestagung des Vereins zur Förderung des mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts, 2006.
Schwanecke, U.;
Game Interfaces; Gamedays 2006.
Schwanecke, U.;
Computerspiele - Technologien, Anwendungen, Visionen; Rüsselsheimer Hochschulgespräche 2006.
Schwanecke, U.; Schulze, R.; Brüllmann, D.; Schömer, E.; Weinheimer, O.; Heil, U.;
Kostengünstiges 3D-Röntgen; CeBIT / Hannover Messe 2006. (PDF)


Kobbelt, L.; Schwanecke, U.; Sinn, C.;
Method and system for approximately reproducing the surface of a workpiece; United States Patent 6901310, Publication Date: 31.05.2005.
Richter, D.; Schwanecke, U.; John, C.; Schöner, D;
Augmented Reality als natürliches User-Interface; Hannover Messe 2005. (PDF)


Schwanecke, U.;
Virtual Reality ein Oxymoron mit Zukunft..; CIM, Rüsselsheim, 2004.


Jüttler, B.; Schwanecke, U.;
Analysis and Design of Hermite Subdivision Schemes; The Visual Computer (2002) 18, 326-342. (PDF)


Kobbelt, L.; Botsch, M.; Schwanecke, U.; Seidel, H-P.;
Feature Sensitive Surface Extraction from Volume Data; Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 01 Proceedings), 2001, 57-66. (PDF)


Schwanecke, U.; Kobbelt, L.;
Approximate envelope reconstruction for moving solids; in: T. Lyche and L. L. Schumaker, eds.: Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, Vanderbilt University Press, Oslo, 2000, 455-466. (PDF)
Schwanecke, U.; Jüttler, B.;
A B-Spline Approach to Hermite Subdivision; in: A. Cohen et al, eds.: Curves and Surface Fitting, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville TN, 2000, 385-392. (PDF)
Schwanecke, U.;
Duale Approximationsmethoden und Subdivisionsalgorithmen für Linienelement; Shaker Aachen, 2000.


Hoschek, J.; Schwanecke, U.:
Interpolation and approximation with ruled surfaces; in R. Cripps: The Mathematics of surfaces VIII, 1998, 213 - 231. (PDF)


Schwanecke, U.;
Untersuchung geometrischer Eigenschaften von dualen Bézier- und B-Spline-Kurven mit Anwendungen auf Interpolationsprobleme; Diplomarbeit, FB Mathematik, TU Darmstadt, 1996.